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How to Tell if a Mirror Is Two Way or Not

A two-way mirror is glass    which,  on one side, provides  a reflection, but   on the other  side, functions as a window. It is used to observe people so that they are not aware that they    are being watched, or who is watching them. Two-way mirrors (also known as one-way, transparent, and observation mirrors) are common in police stations or psychological institutions, but there are other, less obvious settings where people worry about being watched, such as dressing rooms and workplaces. If you are concerned about a particular mirror, here's how to tell if there's someone looking on the other side.

Observe how the mirror is installed. A normal mirror is hung against the wall, but an observation   mirror is set into the wall. If the wall is behind the mirror, it's probably a normal mirror.
Turn off the lights and hold a flashlight or even a small personal flashlight to the mirror. If it is a two-way mirror, the room on the other side will be illuminated.
Press your eyes against the mirror and cup them with your hands, creating a dark "tunnel" to block out the light. When you do so, the light in the observation room will be brighter than the light on your side of the mirror, and you should be able to see something beyond the glass.
Tap on the surface of the mirror with your knuckle. A normal mirror will produce a dull sound because it is placed in front of a wall. A two-way mirror, however, will produce an open, hollow, and reverberating sound, because there is an open space on the other side.
The "fingernail" test most commonly associated with identifying two-way mirrors is not as reliable as any of the methods above. It can be performed by putting your fingernail against the mirror. If there is NO gap between your nail and the reflection, you are touching a first-surface mirror. These are quite expensive and would not be installed under ordinary circumstances. Not all observation mirrors are first surface mirrors, and not all first surface mirrors are observation mirrors. Also known as half-silvered mirrors, two-way mirrors or observation mirrors work equally well when illuminated from either side. What matters is which side has the greater illumination not which side is silvered. There is also no reason an observation mirror can't be surface mounted on a wall just like a real mirror. It need not be mounted in the wall like a window.
Some places, such as gas stations will use one way metal mirrors because glass mirrors can be destroyed by users.

Powervoip Cheapest Calls to India

Its been a while since Betamax launched a new VOIP Provider but finally it happened. Betamax has been busy working on the Dellmont Sarl brand to push VOIP services. Today, we are looking at a new VOIP service which offers the best calling rates to India.Gone are the days when actionvoip and rynga were the best and cheapest VOIP services to call india. They slowly increased their rates making them as good as any other cheap international call providers.

However now, a new VOIP service by Delmont Sarl called
PowerVoip.com is all out to start the price war once again. With PowerVoip, you can call India Landline and Mobile for only $0.015/min which is great. This rate is only applicable for PC to Phone calling. When you call using Phone to Phone, Powervoip will charge for both destinations.

Like other dellmont sarl voip services, Powervoip also offers full support for SIP.

Powervoip.com SIP details
SIP port : 5060
Registrar : sip.powervoip.com
Proxy server : sip.powervoip.com
Outbound proxy server : leave empty
Account name : your PowerVoip username
Password : your PowerVoip password
Display name/number : your PowerVoip username or voipnumber
Stunserver (option) : stun.powervoip.com

Alternatively you can also use powervoip via sms or local access numbers. Powervoip local access numbers are available in multiple countries. For making calls using PowerVoip, you need to either setup their SIP settings in X-lite or any other SIP softphone or simple Download Powervoip softphone from
this link.

Always remember, when you are dealing with Betamax/Dellmont Sarl, its always better to first test powervoip service with minimal credit. Do let us know your feedback on Powervoip.


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