What this Bot will do ?
- Alerts Through Web-hook shall be placed as an order in Exchange.
- Automatic position Management like ,Buy,Sell,Stop Duplicate Buy or Sell
- Automatic Safe Stop Loss order placement
- Auto Take Profit ,Stop Loss,Trailing Price , Trailing Reversal Check
- Bot shall run 24/7 ,Restart may be needed 2-3 days once.
- Web-hook are handled locally hence no need of Connector like Autoview, 3Comma.
- Auto Position Close based on the Price Move
- Option to test in TEST account or in Real Account
- User Can Choose Trail Price,Take Profit ,Stop Loss price in Percentage
Let us Go to the Set up Now, What do we need ?:
- The Application (Exe) that will do this Job.
- Tradingview Account to trigger the Alerts (Buy and Sell).
- Web-hook Alert handler (Free,low cost connector like Ngrok,Localtunnel will work).
- Chrome Browser window in open state.
- Registration in the Exchange [Test Account or Real Account] Any one is Ok.
- User Inputs in the xls file before you start the Application Exe
How to obtain this Auto Trading Bot ?:
At present this package is being provided based on direct request to me .
Reach me over telegram mobile application ,there i will forward the it. https://t.me/wealthworldmajic.
To know more about the Indicator that can be used for Auto Trading you can be part of this channel
https://t.me/longbuylongsellindicator (Telegram application)
Note : The system will work only in Windows based operating system now.
For illustration example i have kept all the files in AUTOBOT_WEALTHWORLD folder that is under C:\AUTOBOT_WEALTHWORLD
For real account https://www.deribit.com/reg-6193.8576?q=home
For test account https://test.deribit.com
Exchange URL | https://test.deribit.com/api/v2 |
Deribit Key | 1JC8ucGX |
Deribit Secret code | am_SrlGffH2DrC5UK1p8qW-OAFY4tim6i98BUXjDf0M |
Fee_Rate | 0.75 |
StopLoss(in percentage) | 0.5 |
TakeProfit(In percentage) | 1 |
TrailingPoint(InPercentage) | 0.3 |
Dynamic_tp_sl_change_input_in_percentage) | 0.25 |
trailtoNonTrailReversalPointCheck(%) | 0.125 |
ticker | BTC-PERPETUAL |
Exchange URL | https://deribit.com/api/v2 |
Deribit Key | 1JC8ucGX |
Deribit Secret code | am_SrlGffH2DrC5UK1p8qW-OAFY4tim6i98BUXjDf0M |
Fee_Rate | 0.75 |
StopLoss(in percentage) | 0.5 |
TakeProfit(In percentage) | 1 |
TrailingPoint(InPercentage) | 0.3 |
Dynamic_tp_sl_change_input_in_percentage) | 0.25 |
trailtoNonTrailReversalPointCheck(%) | 0.125 |
ticker | BTC-PERPETUAL |
Test : https://test.deribit.com/main#/account?scrollTo=api or
Real :https://deribit.com/main#/account?scrollTo=api
Note: Exchange URL is https://test.deribit.com/api/v2 for test https://deribit.com/api/v2 for the real account. |
Enable the 2FA (Google Two Factor Authentication)to safeguard your account from Hacking. |
This will make sure your account is protected and except for Trade other option is Read only.
Now the Basic Setup is almost Ready...................
A page will open with url name as this .It is good and it is.
"Forwarding" https://1c03f9219d6f.ngrok.io
"instrument": "BTC-PERPETUAL",
"side": "buy",
"quantity": 1500,
"instrument": "BTC-PERPETUAL",
"side": "sell",
"quantity": 1500,
The Final Step:
Locate the Real BOT Exe C:\AUTOBOT_WEALTHWORLD\LBLS_Dynamo_tsl.exe open this in command prompt.(Let other command prompt that is ngrok.exe run seperately,This in new command)
Let the chrome browser be in open so that alert will be processed coming from TV.
Let the Ngrok.exe is open and running as shown in the above screen shot(it should run 24hrs).
Now whenever order is placed from the Tradingview, the order will be executed in the Deribit exchange.Note if Buy after Buy comes or Sell After Sell comes no two order will be executed . Only one buy that is first come will be ordered .This will avoid over size buy or sell.
if a program is successfully running you will see this in the command window,There from everything is auto managed.Give it a Try.
* Serving Flask app "LBLS_Dynamo_tsl" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: on
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 329-414-6
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
After Order is placed automatically below will be shown
{}!!!Dear Traders!!! 'LongBuyLongSellIndicator + Dynamic Profit Application' { }
{}!!!Have a Blessed Time and Profitable Trading Ahead!!! {}
{}!!!Welcome to LongbuyLongSellIndicator & Dynamic Trailing profit System!!!. {}
{} {}
{}Indicator Info :https://www.tradingview.com/script/jU78tzAr-LongBuyLongSellIndicator/ {}
{}##LBLS## Trade details https://t.me/longbuylongsellindicator in telegram. {}
{}Contact me @telegram https://t.me/wealthworldmajic !!! {}
{} {}
{}!!!The LBLS indicator and ProfitSystem is a work of the author.!!! {}
{}!!!No Copy and reselling of this product is allowed in any means.!!! {}
{}!!! @@@ !!!! {}
{}RELEASE Info: Version "Beta Test Version:V1.4 "Date:29-Nov-2019 {}
{}RELEASE Info: Version "Beta Test Version:V1.5 "Date:06-JAN-2020 {}
{}RELEASE Info: Version "Beta Test Version:V1.6 "Date:07-JAN-2020 {}
{}RELEASE Info: Version "Beta Test Version:V1.7 "Date:22-JUN-2020 {}
This program will run till 31/8/2020
[please wait Auto Dynamic profit&Trail SL will start Shortly] [Follow my Telegram Details Above]
once the position is established the following will run and manage the auto trading on its own.
*********processing the Alert*********
1 BTC-PERPETUAL buy 1500 9476
Right buy Initiating Orders:
closing_current_running_position to take any new order:
CANCEL ALL ORDER DETAILS in Live before Taking New Orders:
BUY order In Progress:
Set SL order for the Long Position order:
{'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'result': {'trades': [], 'order': {'web': False, 'triggered': False, 'trigger': 'mark_price', 'time_in_force': 'good_til_cancelled', 'stop_price': 9410.0, 'replaced': False, 'reduce_only': True, 'profit_loss': 0.0, 'price': 9410.0, 'post_only': False, 'order_type': 'stop_limit', 'order_state': 'untriggered', 'order_id': 'SLMS-3007843', 'max_show': 1500, 'last_update_timestamp': 1592838685559, 'label': '', 'is_liquidation': False, 'instrument_name': 'BTC-PERPETUAL', 'direction': 'sell', 'creation_timestamp': 1592838685559, 'api': True, 'amount': 1500}}, 'usIn': 1592838685558820, 'usOut': 1592838685560314, 'usDiff': 1494, 'testnet': True}
LongCMP: 9477.17 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9474.67 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9475.17 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9475.35 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9475.95 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9475.32 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9475.4 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9475.16 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9475.29 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9475.16 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9475.18 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9475.22 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9475.42 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9475.28 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9474.87 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9475.0 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9475.12 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9475.32 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
LongCMP: 9468.8 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.275 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9430.1125 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9505.9325
once the trailing condition is reached Bot will show this message example:
LongSide TrailingProfit/SL Activated,ProfitOptimizingSTARTs: 9538.88
LongSide:LastTickerPrice: 9539.29
Long:WhenPriceReverse to this TSL will hit: 9514.68457525
LongCMP: 9538.88 {+}ExpRev(s)ersedTP(Long): 9572.9333475 ,{-}ExpSL(Long): 9477.5276 ,{*}TrailPrice(Long): 9506.12131125
{+}LongSLPrice= 9430.1125
{+}LongTPPrice= 9572.275
{+}Long-Liquidation= 32.06
Note : It is good to RESTRART the exe once a day or two to get maximum performance.
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